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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Troop?
A Boy Scout Troop is a collection of Boy Scout Patrols all belonging to the same Scout unit ( e.g., Troop 110) organized under the auspices of a Chartered Organization. The Troop is lead by a Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) and his assistants. The SPL is elected by his fellow Scouts. The Troop is overseen by the Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmasters, and other adult leaders.

What is a Patrol?
A Boy Scout Patrol is a group of boys (usually 6 to 8) who belong to a Boy Scout Troop. A Troop is made up of a number of Patrols with each Patrol establishing its own identity within the Troop. Each Patrol will conduct its own meetings, have it's own mascot, flag, yell, and "personality." Each Patrol will elect a Patrol Leader and Assistant Patrol Leader. The Patrol Leaders will set meeting times and organize activities for the Patrol. Each Patrol is overseen by adult leadership.

What is a Chartered Organization?
A Chartered Organization is the sponsoring organization for a Boy Scout Troop, usually a church, PTA, homeowners' association or other community group. The primary responsibilities of the Chartered Organization are to select the adult leadership of the Troop and provide a meeting place. Each year the Troop must renew its Charter with its local council. The Chartered Organization must approve the rechartering application in order for the Charter to be renewed. Troop 110's Chartered Organization is St. Anne's Church in Union City, CA.

When and where are Troop meetings held?
Unless otherwise notified, Troop 110 meets every Wednesday evening at 7:30 PM, except for the first Wednesday of each month which is reserved for a Patrol Leader Conference and Troop Committee meeting. The meeting location is St. Anne's Church, 32223 Cabello St, Union City, CA 94587.

Who runs the Troop?
The Troop is run by the Scouts under the guidance of our Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmasters and other adult leaders. The Troop is overseen by the Troop Committee, which consists of the Committee Chairperson, Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmasters, Secretary, Treasurer and parents. The Troop Committee meets monthly and develops budgets, approves expenses, arranges for facilities and conducts overall planning for the Troop. All Troop 110 parents are encouraged to attend Committee meetings.

What are the various levels of Boy Scouting?
The levels of Boy Scouting are called ranks. Each rank has its own requirements and all ranks must be earned in order. The requirements for each rank can be found in the Boy Scout Handbook. The ranks, in order of attainment are; Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life and Eagle. The ultimate goal for every boy in Boy Scouting is to earn the rank of Eagle Scout. Along the "Eagle Trail" the Scouts will be introduced to a wide variety of subjects and activities which will educate and challenge them.

What is a Merit Badge?
A Merit Badge is an award given to Scouts for completing the requirements in a specific subject, skill, or sport. There are over 100 different Boy Scout merit badges encompassing a wide range of subjects in many different categories, such as; business, science, space, electronics, sports, art, music, crafts, communication, citizenship, health, fitness, nature and more. All Merit Badges require the supervision of a merit badge councilor who will guide the Scout in fulfilling the requirements for each badge. Once the boy earns the first rank of Scout, he may begin working on Merit Badges.

What is a Court of Honor?
A Court of Honor is a fun family event during which we recognize Scouts and adult leaders for their recent achievements and participation. Rank advancements, merit badges and participation patches are awarded at this time. Troop 110 holds a Court of Honor every March, June, September and December. Courts of Honor are usually pot luck, either dinner or dessert. Sometimes we hold a competition, and we usually require each patrol to provide some form of entertainment. The boys are responsible for planning, set-up and clean up!

What about Uniforms?
All Scouts in Troop 110 are expected to wear a uniform. The uniform includes the Boy Scout hat, neckerchief & slider, shirt, shoulder loops, belt, pants (shorts), unit number patch (110), council patch (San Francisco Bay Area Council), world crest, rank patch (furnished by Troop), and patrol patch. Boys will also need a sash (to be worn at formal occasions) for displaying their Merit Badges. Uniform cost is approximately $75.00. Uniforms can be purchased at the following location:

East Bay Scout Shop
1001 Davis Street
San Leandro, CA 94577-1514
(510) 633-2005

Troop 110 does have a "uniform closet" where parents can often find and/or trade used (pre-owned, gently worn ) pants, shorts and shirts at no cost. We also have Troop 110 T-shirts available for $10.00 each.

What does it cost to join?
The registration fee for joining our Troop is $150.00 per year. This fee includes, insurance for Scouts, quality and honor unit patches, all merit badges, rank patches and other awards, and Boys' Life Magazine. Each Scout will also need a uniform at a cost of approximately $80.00 (see "What About Uniforms?" above) and a Boy Scout Handbook, for around $10.00.

How can I join Troop 110?
New boys are welcome to join our Troop at any time during the year. All boys ages 11 through 17 are eligible to join. If your son has a friend in Boy Scouts, have him go to a Patrol meeting or Troop meeting with his friend. The Patrol leader can put you in contact with our Scoutmaster who can provide additional information and a registration form. (see
How to Join Troop 110)

Where can I get more information?
Contact our Scoutmaster,
Sreev Doddabalapur, or Committee Chair, Ankur Zindal, or talk to a friend or neighbor who has a son in Troop 110. Feel free to visit a Patrol or Troop meeting any time (see Calendar). Troop 110 always welcomes new scouts and leaders.


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